What are the benefits of cloud migration? Reasons you should migrate

The moving of applications, databases and other business elements from the local server to the cloud server called cloud migration. This article will deal with migration techniques, requirement and the benefits of cloud migration.

In simple terms, moving from local to the public cloud server is called cloud migration. Gartner says 17.5% revenue growth as promised in cloud migration and also has a forecast for 2022 as shown in the following image.


It is forecasted that a 28% increase in revenue for the year 2022 in cloud migration. According to recent Gartner surveys, 

“more than a third of organizations see cloud investments as a top-three investing priority, which is impacting market offerings.”


 Image source: https://www.how2shout.com[/caption]

Prerequisites For Cloud Migration

The following are the various cloud migration done by companies a) First Local data center to Cloud computing platforms b) Cloud to Cloud migration and c) Reverse cloud migration or De-clouding. There are various advantages in such a cloud migration process and they are: a) scalability, b) powerful computing capabilities, c) flexibility, d) no issues in server maintenance, e) storage capacity, f) cost-as-go and g) performance.

Before migrating your data or application into a cloud consider the following points:

  1. Prepare your application for data to migrate to the cloud. Unprepared applications bring in issues while migrating.
  2. Evaluate the cost of migration. Most of these processes may lead to unnecessary wastages if not planned properly.
  3. Choose your preferences in the cloud-based on your business needs
  4. You need skilled personnel to manage your cloud database. Keep your data in the cloud as secure as possible. 
  5. Nothing comes easy. Always be prepared to accept the challenges in migrating the application or data.
  6. Have a clear cloud migration strategy. Develop a strategy that enables the migration flexible and easy based on your business requirements. 

There are various cloud migration platforms like AWS and Google cloud.